Live Streamed Services

Welcome to our online services. These are now live streamed from St John’s and automatically saved for you to join at a later time if you prefer.
Please click on the date you wish to join and you will find the YouTube link along with all the appropriate info.

Our policies concerning Live Streaming can be found here.

Our archive of previously recorded services can be found here.

Eighth Sunday after Trinity (21/07/2024)

Seventh Sunday after Trinity (14/07/2024)

Sixth Sunday after Trinity (07/07/2024)

Fifth Sunday after Trinity – St Peter, Apostle (30/06/2024)

Fourth Sunday after Trinity (23/06/2024)

Third Sunday after Trinity (16/06/2024)

Second Sunday after Trinity (09/06/2024)

First Sunday after Trinity (02/06/2024)

The Holy and Undivided Trinity (Trinity Sunday) – (26/05/2024)

Pentecost (19/05/2024)

Seventh Sunday of Easter – Sunday after the Ascension (12/05/2024)

Patronal Feast: 150th Jubilee Eucharist (05/05/2024)

Fifth Sunday of Easter (28/04/2024)

Fourth Sunday of Easter (21/04/2024)

Third Sunday of Easter (14/04/2024)

EASTER SUNDAY (31/03/2024)

Palm Sunday (24/03/2024)

Fifth Sunday of Lent – Passion Sunday (17/03/2024)

Fourth Sunday of Lent – Mothering Sunday (10/03/2024)

Third Sunday of Lent (03/03/2024)

Second Sunday of Lent (25/02/2024)

First Sunday of Lent (18/02/2024)

Sunday next before Lent (11/02/2024) – We regret that we are experiencing technical difficulties. The Parish Eucharist will be recorded and uploaded as soon as possible after the service. We apologise for this inconvenience.

Fourth Sunday of Epiphany (28/01/2024)

Third Sunday of Epiphany (21/01/2024)

Baptism of Christ: Second Sunday of Epiphany (14/01/2024)

Epiphany Sunday (07/01/2024)

First Sunday of Christmas (31/12/2023)

Join our Christmas morning service here:

Join our Christingle Service here:

Fourth Sunday of Advent (24/12/2023)

Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete) (17/12/2023)

Second Sunday of Advent (10/12/2023)

Advent Sunday (03/12/2023)

Christ the King (26/11/2023)

Second Sunday before Advent (19/11/2023)

Remembrance Sunday (12/11/2023)

All Saints’ Sunday (05/11/2023)

Last Sunday after Trinity (29/10/2023)

Twentieth Sunday after Trinity (22/10/2023)

Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity (15/10/2023)

Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity (08/10/2023)

Harvest Festival (01/10/2023)

A Service of Thanksgiving for the Life of Jim Herbert (27/09/2023)

Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity (24/09/2023)

Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity (17/09/2023)

Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity (10/09/2023)

Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity (03/09/2023)

Twelfth Sunday after Trinity (27/08/2023)

Service of Holy Matrimony – Vinosh Sivaneshwaren & Juliet Cumberland:

Eleventh Sunday after Trinity (20/08/2023)

Tenth Sunday after Trinity (13//08/2023)

The Transfiguration of Our Lord (06/08/2023)

Eighth Sunday after Trinity (30/07/2023)

Seventh Sunday after Trinity (23/07/2023)

Sixth Sunday after Trinity (16/07/2023)

Fifth Sunday after Trinity (09/07/2023)

St Thomas, Apostle (02/07/2023)

Third Sunday after Trinity (25/06/2023)

Second Sunday after Trinity (18/06/2023)

First Sunday after Trinity (11/06/2023)

The Holy and Undivided Trinity – Trinity Sunday (04/06/2023)

The Feast of Pentecost (28/05/2023)

Seventh Sunday of Easter (21/05/2023)

Sixth Sunday of Easter (14/05/2023)

Patronal Festival All Age Eucharist (07/05/2023)

Fourth Sunday of Easter (30/04/2023)

Third Sunday of Easter (23/04/2023)

Second Sunday of Easter (16/04/2023)

EASTER DAY (09/04/2023)

GOOD FRIDAY (07/04/2023)

MAUNDY THURSDAY (06/04/2023)

PALM SUNDAY (02/04/2023)

Funeral of Godfrey John Rock (27/03/2023)

Passion Sunday: Fifth Sunday of Lent (26/03/2023)

Mothering Sunday (19/03/2023)

Third Sunday of Lent (12/03/2023)

Second Sunday of Lent (05/03/2023)

First Sunday of Lent (26/02/2023)

Sunday next before Lent (19/02/2023)

Second Sunday before Lent (12/02/2023)

Candlemas – Presentation of Christ in the Temple (05/02/2023)

Third Sunday after The Epiphany (29/01/2023)

Second Sunday after The Epiphany (22/01/2023)

The Baptism of Christ (15/01/2023)

The Epiphany of Our Lord (08/01/2023)

The Naming and Circumcision of Jesus (01/01/2023)

Crib Service: Apologies that this didn’t get streamed. We encountered a technical error.

Fourth Sunday of Advent (18/12/2022)

Third Sunday of Advent – Gaudete Sunday (11/12/2022)

Second Sunday of Advent (04/12/2022)

Advent Sunday: First Sunday of Advent (27/11/2022)

Deanery Confirmation Service (20/11/2022)

Feast of Christ the King (20/11/2022)

Remembrance Sunday (13/11/2022)

All Saints’ Sunday (06/11/2022)

Last Sunday after Trinity (30/10/2022)

Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity (23/10/2022)

Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity (16/10/2022)

Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity (09/10/2022)

Harvest Festival (02/10/2022)

Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity (25/09/2022)

Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity (18/09/2022)

Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity (11/09/2022)

Twelfth Sunday after Trinity (04/09/2022)

The Blessed Virgin Mary (14/08/2022)

Tenth Sunday after Trinity (21/08/2022)

The Transfiguration of Our Lord (07/08/2022)

Seventh Sunday after Trinity (31/07/2022)

Sixth Sunday after Trinity (24/07/2022)

Fifth Sunday after Trinity (17/07/2022)

Fourth Sunday after Trinity (10/07/2022)

St Thomas, Apostle (03/07/2022)

Second Sunday after Trinity (26/06/2022)

First Sunday after Trinity (19/06/2022)

The Holy and Undivided Trinity (12/06/2022)

The Feast of Pentecost (05/06/2022)

Seventh Sunday of Easter – Sunday after the Ascension (29/05/2022)

Sixth Sunday of Easter (22/05/2022)

Fifth Sunday of Easter (15/05/2022)

Patronal Festival – St John the Evangelist (08/05/2022)

Third Sunday of Easter (01/05/2022)

Second Sunday of Easter (24/04/2022)

Easter Day (17/04/2022)

Palm Sunday (10/04/2022)

Passion Sunday – Fifth Sunday of Lent (03/04/2022)

Fourth Sunday of Lent – Mothering Sunday (27/03/2022)

Third Sunday of Lent (20/03/2022)

Second Sunday of Lent (13/03/2022)

First Sunday of Lent (06/03/2022)

Ash Wednesday – We apologise that the service has not been available. We encountered unexpected technical issues. Hopefully things will be restored to normal in time for Sunday morning.

Sunday next before Lent (27/02/2022)

Second Sunday before Lent (20/02/2022)

Third Sunday before Lent (13/02/2022)

The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas Sunday 06/02/2022)

Third Sunday of Epiphany (30/01/2022)

The Second Sunday of Epiphany (23/01/2022)

The Baptism of Christ – First Sunday of Epiphany (16/01/2022)

The Epiphany of our Lord (09/01/2022)